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Cargo stowage course

In accordance with the latest regulation in this field, Standard 12195


ACF offers different cargo stowage training courses, both e-learning and classroom-based.

The e-learning courses are through the Instituto Telemático de Seguridad Industrial (ISTI), which specialises in on-line industrial safety training. This project is the fruit of a collaboration between Swiss multinational Spanset and Huesca-based company ACF Innove.


    1. E-learning course, 100 hours: Targeted at managers who must have a high level of knowledge.
    2. E-learning course, 35 hours: shorter duration and designed for drivers or warehouse staff.
    3. Basic e-learning course, 8 hours: This option is targeted at drivers and warehouse staff and for trainees who do not need to perform calculations and who secure cargo under the guidance of third parties

This system achieves three main goals:

    1. Repeating and viewing the videos as many times as they like which reinforces the training over time and solves any questions and doubts that could arise anytime, anywhere.
    2. Giving a second chance to people who for one reason or another could not attend the training when it took place.
    3. The appropriate means to train new recruits.
    4. Does not require physical presence which solves the problem of managing certain groups.
    5. It can be newly-acquired additional training and additional training to refresh previous training.
    6. A space is created in a web environment to which new content can be added as it happens and for which managers can be given management and supervision roles, and it can be a collaborative space for stowage matters within the company.

Observations about the training courses available

With all of the training options, both e-learning and classroom-based, at the end of the course and for the practical cases, students can download the ISTI app, which is a basic calculator for mobile phones and which they can use afterwards in their work. This calculator is not for sale because it is designed to add value to the training received.

  1. Classroom-based basic courses at the client’s facilities, 8 hours for one day only.

There is the option of in-company training using the client’s cargoes. In these cases we advise that those in senior positions have received on-line training previously. For everyone else -workers and drivers- it is basic skills-based training. (see scaling up and down in accordance with number of participants)

  1. Specific training pills

There are also training pills with video recordings using exclusive CLIENT cargoes. These training pills are created in situ using specific cargoes. The videos can be bought and managed by the client or stored in the ACF / ISTI platform. There is the option of translating them into different languages.


    with no obligations

  • Responsable: Identidad: ARAGON FORMACION ACF S.L - NIF:B22260863 Dir. postal:C/CABESTANY, 11 ENTLO - 22005 Huesca Teléfono: 974288760 Correo elect: En nombre de la empresa tratamos la información que nos facilita con el fin de prestarles el servicio solicitado, realizar la facturación del mismo. Los datos proporcionados se conservarán mientras se mantenga la relación comercial o durante los años necesarios para cumplir con las obligaciones legales. Los datos no se cederán a terceros salvo en los casos en que exista una obligación legal. Usted tiene derecho a obtener confirmación sobre si en ARAGON FORMACION ACF S.L estamos tratando sus datos personales por tanto tiene derecho a acceder a sus datos personales, rectificar los datos inexactos o solicitar su supresión cuando los datos ya no sean necesarios. Asimismo solicito su autorización para ofrecerle productos y servicios relacionados con los solicitados y fidelizarle como cliente.
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